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Georgia State Senate > Committees
Committee Members
History and Duties
 The Committee on Assignments shall have such duties as the President of the Senate may assign to it at his or her discretion. Pursuant to Senate Rule 2-1.1 this Committee shall be composed of the President of the Senate, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Majority Leader and two Senators appointed by the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate or his designee shall serve as Chair of the committee.
Capitol Office
240 CAP
Atlanta, GA 30334
Fax: (404) 463-5220
Search Results00:00:00.2400240/00:00:00COA133AssignmentsSenate
240 CAPAtlanta4044635220GA 240 CAP30334
The Committee on Assignments shall have such duties as the President of the Senate may assign to it at his or her discretion. Pursuant to Senate Rule 2-1.1 this Committee shall be composed of the President of the Senate, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Majority Leader and two Senators appointed by the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate or his designee shall serve as Chair of the committee. 257Senate213100 Brierfield RoadAlpharetta6786401811GA3100 Brierfield Road30004 1132BeachBrandonBeachRepublicanAlpharetta840Member7263Senate276505 Shiloh Road, Suite 200AlpharettaGA6505 Shiloh Road, Suite 20030005 1323DolezalGregDolezalRepublicanCumming4925Member7287Senate51P.O. Box 600DahlonegaGAP.O. Box 60030533 932GoochSteveGoochRepublicanDahlonega752Member7254Senate181159KennedyJohn F.KennedyRepublicanMacon852Member7Url Regular Session Regular Session Special Session Regular Session Special Session Special Session Regular Session Special Session Regular Session Regular Session Regular Session Regular Session Special Session Regular Session Regular Session Regular Session Special Session Special Session Regular Session