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Georgia State Senate > Committees
Committee Members
Dixon, ClintVice Chairman
Moore, ColtonSecretary
Beach, BrandonEx-Officio
Burns, MaxEx-Officio
Seay, ValenciaEx-Officio
History and Duties
 The Committee on Transportation has general jurisdiction over issues relate to highway safety, regulation of intrastate common carriers including railroads, buses, trucks, vessels, pipelines, and civil aviation. Also included is jurisdiction on issues to inland waterways and any other means of transportation.
Capitol Office
421-B CAP
Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 656-0040
Picture Not Found

NamePositionEmail Address
McKenzie RhoadesAdministrative
Josselyn HillOPLA

Fast Facts

  • Hartsfield-Jackson passenger traffic increased by 2.5% in FY2016 to 104.2 million
  • Georgia's 16 urban transit systems made over 127 million passenger trips in 2017
  • 439,220 jobs throughout the state supported by Georgia's deep water ports and inland barge terminals contributed to $106 billion in revenue in FY2017
  • There are over 6,000 miles of mainland trail and over 1,000 miles of short rail throughout Georgia
  • Shippers rely on Georgia's 123,546 miles of roadways to ship $620 billion in cargo each year

Key Topics

  • Transportation Funding
  • Public Transportation Initiatives
  • Upkeep and Safety of Georgia's Roadways and Waterways
  • Rules of the Road
  • Regional Transit Systems
  • High-Speed Rail
  • Road and Highway Dedications
  • Autonomous Vehicle Regulation
  • Traffic Signs and Signals

Search Results00:00:00.2690269/00:00:00TRANS86TransportationSenate
421-B CAPAtlanta4046560040GA 421-B CAP30334
Url Committee on Transportation has general jurisdiction over issues relate to highway safety, regulation of intrastate common carriers including railroads, buses, trucks, vessels, pipelines, and civil aviation. Also included is jurisdiction on issues to inland waterways and any other means of transportation. 263Senate276505 Shiloh Road, Suite 200AlpharettaGA6505 Shiloh Road, Suite 20030005 1323DolezalGregDolezalRepublicanCumming4925Chairman1281Senate45P.O. Box 802BufordGAP.O. Box 80230515 1373DixonClintDixonRepublicanGwinnett4982Vice Chairman3289Senate53P.O. Box 1516TrentonGAP.O. Box 151630752 1289MooreColtonMooreRepublicanTrenton4933Secretary5267Senate311371AnavitarteJasonAnavitarteRepublicanDallas4980Member7257Senate213100 Brierfield RoadAlpharetta6786401811GA3100 Brierfield Road30004 1132BeachBrandonBeachRepublicanAlpharetta840Ex-Officio7259Senate23P.O. Box 203SylvaniaGAP.O. Box 20330467 1370BurnsMaxBurnsRepublicanSylvania4979Ex-Officio7283Senate47P.O. Box 1136Danielsville7066804466GAP.O. Box 113630633 931GinnFrankGinnRepublicanDanielsville751Member7287Senate51P.O. Box 600DahlonegaGAP.O. Box 60030533 932GoochSteveGoochRepublicanDahlonega752Member7262Senate26671LucasDavidLucasDemocratMacon157Member7238Senate2P.O. Box 14034SavannahGAP.O. Box 1403431416 1400MallowDerekMallowDemocratSavannah5007Member7250Senate14P.O. Box 567297AtlantaGAP.O. Box 56729731156 1298McLaurinJoshMcLaurinDemocratSandy Springs4942Member7270Senate34P.O. Box 960008Riverdale7709099912GAP.O. Box 96000830274 493SeayValenciaSeayDemocratRiverdale41Ex-Officio7284Senate482850 Simpson CircleNorcrossGA2850 Simpson Circle30071 1489StillShawnStillRepublicanNorcross5016Member7Url Regular Session Regular Session Special Session Regular Session Special Session Special Session Regular Session Special Session Regular Session Regular Session Regular Session Regular Session Special Session Regular Session Regular Session Regular Session Special Session Special Session Regular Session Regular Session 1st Special Session 2nd Special Session<p class="table-responsive" /><table class="table table-striped table-sm"><thead><tr><th scope="col">Name</th><th scope="col">Position</th><th scope="col">Email Address</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>McKenzie Rhoades</td><td>Administrative Assistant</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr><tr><td>Josselyn Hill</td><td>OPLA Analyst</td><td><a href=""></a></td></tr></tbody></table><p /><p class="row" /><p class="col-12 col-md-6" /><h3>Fast Facts</h3><ul><li>Hartsfield-Jackson passenger traffic increased by 2.5% in FY2016 to 104.2 million</li><li>Georgia's 16 urban transit systems made over 127 million passenger trips in 2017</li><li>439,220 jobs throughout the state supported by Georgia's deep water ports and inland barge terminals contributed to $106 billion in revenue in FY2017</li><li>There are over 6,000 miles of mainland trail and over 1,000 miles of short rail throughout Georgia</li><li>Shippers rely on Georgia's 123,546 miles of roadways to ship $620 billion in cargo each year</li></ul><p /><p class="col-12 col-md-6" /><h3>Key Topics</h3><ul><li>Transportation Funding</li><li>Public Transportation Initiatives</li><li>Upkeep and Safety of Georgia's Roadways and Waterways</li><li>Rules of the Road</li><li>Regional Transit Systems</li><li>High-Speed Rail</li><li>Road and Highway Dedications</li><li>Autonomous Vehicle Regulation</li><li>Traffic Signs and Signals</li></ul><p /><p />